We are honored to host award-winning wilderness photographer, Tim Ernst, who will present his 20th and final “picture book ”Arkansas Greatest Hits”.
Tim Ernst autographing his latest book.
A limited number of Tim’s final coffee table book will be available for sale at the meeting - Cash or check.
"Arkansas's Wilderness Photographer"—45 years and three million photos later, this is Tim's 20th coffee table picture book. It is packed from cover-to-cover with the very best and most popular nature photos from his beloved home state. Luxurious, premium quality, autographed and personalized—perfect gift for any occasion.
His new work “Arkansas Greatest Hits” showcases the magnificent scenery of “The Natural State” with his personal selection of his best work throughout the years - color photographs of the magnificent scenery and descriptions by native son, Tim Ernst.
Tim Ernst is Arkansas' Wilderness Photographer. He has been hiking, driving and crawling around the wonderful Ozark Mountains for most of his life, preserving the images he sees on film for everyone to enjoy.
His photographs have appeared in hundreds of national, regional and local publications. Some of his credits include National Geographic, Audubon, Backpacker, Outside, Outdoor Photographer, American Hiker, Natural History, Country, Chevy Outdoors, and Arkansas Times magazines, Sierra Club and Hallmark calendars, National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service maps and brochures, Readers Digest Books, and The New York Times.